Primer-enamel 3 in 1 Anticor Aqua Maxima

Primer-enamel 3 in 1 Anticor Aqua Maxima


Primer-enamel 3 in 1 Anticor Aqua


A single-component, water-based acrylic primer-enamel functionally combines an adhesion primer, anticorrosion protection and finishing enamel. It creates anticorrosion coating resistant to water effects, weather effects, industrial oils and domestic detergents. It is characterized by high durability and perfect adhesion to the base surface.

Sphere of application

It is intended for anticorrosion protection and decorative coating of surfaces made of black and galvanized metals (clean or coated with corrosion if the thickness of the corrosion layer is up to 100 microns), aluminum. It is also good on wooden and mineral surfaces. The primer-enamel is recommended for coating equipment and machinery, construction elements, railway vehicles, farming machinery, fences, gates, roofs, drain pipes and other metal surfaces. It is intended for interior and exterior applications. It can be applied on surfaces, which are exploited in conditions of atmospheric corrosion activity of category C4 (DSTU ISO 12944-2).


The product can be tinted manually with pigment concentrate Farbex Color and other tinting pastes or in a tinting machine according to NCS color catalog and others. We recommend adding a maximum 2% colorant dose of the primer-enamel weight, as it can affect anticorrosion properties. If the product is meant to be applied on surfaces in aggressive conditions C4 (industrial and pre-shore regions with moderate saltiness), we don't recommend tinting the product individually. In this case, it's better to use colors from the assortment or ask for help from the manufacturer.

To avoid differences in the shades of color, we recommend using the product from the same batch. In case you use the product from different batches it is necessary to mix them.

It is recommended a trial application on a small area of the surface to check the correspondence of the tinted product to the chosen color.

After tinting some insignificant deviations in technical data for the product are allowed.



Acrylic dispersion, water, pigments, fillers, anticorrosion and other additives.

Technical data

Consumption standard of 1 layer _
Thinner _
Application _
Drying period (23 °С, 50% RH) _
Solids content
(DSTU ISO 3251)
Non-volatile matter by volume
(DSTU ISO 3233)
Density (DSTU ISO 2811-1) _
Hardness (DSTU ISO 1522) _
Gloss (DSTU ISO 2813) _
VOC content (ISO 11890) _
Warranty period _





Application instruction

1. Surface preparation

The surface shall be dry, and thoroughly cleaned from dust, dirt, oily and other contaminations, loose paint coats and corrosion. Metal surfaces shall be treated manually with special tools (min degree St2) or with abrasive jet cleaning (min degree Sa2½) according to DSTU ISO 8501-1. If applying on previously coated surfaces, clean the surface mechanically from loose paint coatings and corrosion till hard base surface and treat with sandpaper for necessary surface roughness. Degrease the surface with a universal thinner TM Maxima or with a solution of detergents (concentration shall be according to manufacturing directions; under the pressure, depending on the type of contaminations, which are necessary to remove). Then clean the surface with pure running water and let it dry. Use of other organic diluents is allowed after confirmation from the POLYSAN consultant.

2. Priming

It doesn't require priming before coating metal surfaces.

Prime wooden surfaces with wood-protective primer TM Maxima, mineral surfaces - with primer-concentrate 1:10 "Aqua Primer" TM Maxima.

3. Application

Stir primer-enamel thoroughly before use. The product is ready to use. If necessary dilute with water (max. 5% of the total weight of the primer-enamel, abnormal dilution causes degradation of the product's durability, runs and makes hardening slower). Coat the surface with 2 layers indoors and with 3 layers outdoors to provide optimal surface properties. Carry out the application at the temperature of air and surface from +10 ºС till +30 ºС and relative air humidity less 80% (the temperature shall be higher than 3 degrees above dew point). During the application and drying period, appropriate ventilation shall be provided.

Do not apply primer-enamel under direct sunlight, strong wind, precipitation and frost.

Primer-enamel can be applied in several ways

Way of application

Quantity of diluent

Jet size


Airless spraying

0 – 5 %

0.017" - 0.023"

15 MPa ( ≈ 150 bar)

Pneumatic spraying

0 – 5 %

2 – 2,5 mm

0,3 – 0,5 MPa ( ≈ 3-5 bar)

A brush / a roller

0 – 5 %



Drying period


10 °С

23 °С

30 °С

Drying period "to touch"

3 h

2 h

40 min

Drying period till the next coat application, min

7 h

4 h

2 h

The drying period enough for exploitation coating

10 days

7 days

3 days

Full hardening (polymerization)

21 days

14 days

7 days

The period of drying and polymerization are determined at a controlled temperature and relative humidity of less than 80%. The dry film thickness of the coating shall be 40 microns.


Drying period "to touch" - when the film becomes not sticky and a light finger press remains no print.

The drying period till the next coat application, min is a minimal recommended period, after which the next coat can be applied.

The drying period is enough for surface exploitation - a minimal period, after which the coating can resist external effects like shipping, exploitation and alike.

Complete drying (polymerization) - the period, after which the coating achieves the whole complex of physical and chemical features.

The thickness of a single-layer coating if consumption is different


80 g/m2

100 g/m2

120 g/m2

Thickness of dry film

30 microns

35 microns

40 microns

Thickness of wet film

70-75 microns

85-95 microns

100-115 microns

Standard application rate

(mass and volume)

13,2-14,4 m2/l

10,6-11,5 m2/l

8,8-9,6 m2/l

12,5 m2/kg

10 m2/kg

8,3 m2/kg

Compatibility with other coatings

Depending on the conditions of exploitation of the product you may use various priming and finishing coatings. The samples of compatibility find below. For more precise recommendations ask for help from the specialist of POLYSAN company.

The previous coat - alkyd-based, acrylic-based, epoxy and water-based and solvent-based polyurethane products.

The subsequent coat - alkyd-based, acrylic-based, epoxy and water-based polyurethane products.

Compatibility of the products is recommended to test on a small area of the surface.

4. Tool cleaning

Wash the tools thoroughly with water. Do not let them dry.


Flow calculator

Consumption standard of 1 layer

When calculating the area to be painted, you need to subtract the area that will not be painted. (windows, doors, etc.)

Paint consumption may vary depending on dilution and uniformity of application of the paint.