Alkyd floor enamel PP-266 Farbex

Alkyd floor enamel PP-266 Farbex


Alkyd floor enamel PP-266



  • It creates a smooth homogeneous glossy coating
  • It retains permanent gloss and color saturation
  • It is resistant to operation load 
  • It is resistant to the effect of domestic detergents

Sphere of application

It is intended for decorative and protective coating of wooden floors, other wooden and mineral (concrete, cement) surfaces indoors.


Alkyd resin, pigments, extenders, solvent, additives.

Technical data

Consumption standard of 1 layer 70-120 g/m2, depending on the way of application and type of surface.
Solvent solvent TM DekART or oderless solvent TM Maxima, 10% maximum of the total enamel weight.
Application Apply with a brush, a roller or a spraying gun.
Drying period (23 °С, 50% RH) 24 hours. Drying period increases if the temperature is getting down and relative air humidity is getting higher.
Solids content
(DSTU ISO 3251)
> 60 %
Density (DSTU ISO 2811-1) 1,28±0,03 g/sm3
Gloss (DSTU ISO 2813) > 60 GU (at 60º)
Hardness (DSTU ISO 1522) > 30 sec., Konig pendulum.
Non-volatile matter by volume
(DSTU ISO 3233)
56±2 %
VOC content (ISO 11890) 343±5 g/l.
Warranty period 24 months from the date of manufacture.
Packaging 0,3 kg, 0,9 kg, 2,8 kg, 25 kg, 50 kg




Due to the nature of the screens, color tones may differ from actual colors.

Application instruction


1. Surface preparation

The surface shall be dry (humidity is less than 20%), thoroughly cleaned of dirt, grease, dust, blue stain and rot. Existing old coats on the surface, which are peeled (a paint or wood protective product) shall be removed in mechanical (a scraper, a wire brush), thermal (a hot air dryer, infrared radiation) or chemical (paint removing products) way. Avoid methods of cleaning which can damage the timber (e.x. sandblast apparatus). Hollows, existing on the surface, cracks or irregular areas shall be corrected with Putty for wooden and mineral surfaces TM Farbex. Treat the surface with fine-grained sandpaper till the smooth surface after plastering. Remove abrasive dust from the surface.


2. Priming

Previously treated wooden surfaces need no undercoating.

Previously untreated wooden surfaces shall be undercoated with alkyd primer for wood TM Maxima. Be sure that the surface is clean and dry before applying the primer.

Previously untreated concrete surfaces shall be undercoated with a mixture of the enamel with a solvent in ratio 1:1.

3. Applying of finishing layer

Stir the enamel thoroughly till homogeneous condition. The enamel is ready to use. Dilute the enamel with a solvent till working condition if necessary. Use the product of the same batch for the finishing coat to avoid deviations in color shades. In case you use the product of different batches it is necessary to mix it. Apply the enamel in 1-2 thin coats. Do not apply the enamel with a thick coat! The subsequent coat shall be applied in 24 hours. Perform the application at the temperature and the surface form +10 ºС till +35 ºС and relative air humidity less than 80%. Complete hardening of the surface and achieving of its properties are in 14 days.


4. Tool cleaning

Clean tools with a solvent and then with warm water with detergents if necessary.

Alkyd Floor Enamel Farbex
Одним із видів лакофарбових матеріалів є емаль ПФ-266, яка застосовується для фарбування дерев’яних та мінеральних підлог. Завдяки своїм технічним характеристикам емаль алкідна ПФ-266 утворює покриття з високою міцністю та еластичністю, яке витримує експлуатаційні навантаження, зберігаючи стійкий блиск та насиченість кольорів. Така емаль стійка до впливу води та миючих засобів, а також утворює однорідну та гладку глянцеву поверхню. Емаль алкідна для підлоги в нашому асортименті має різний час висихання: 8 годин та 24 години. Основними кольорами алкідної емалі є :
  • червоно-коричневий;
  • золотаво-коричневий;
  • жовто-коричневий.



Flow calculator

Consumption standard of 1 layer

When calculating the area to be painted, you need to subtract the area that will not be painted. (windows, doors, etc.)

Paint consumption may vary depending on dilution and uniformity of application of the paint.