Quick-drying anticor primer Maxima

Quick-drying anticor primer Maxima


Quick-drying anticor primer



It creates a reliable anti-corrosion coating, which is resistant to the effect of industrial oils, moisture, salt and detergents. It is characterized by high hardness, exploitation loading and perfect adhesion to the base surface. it dries quickly, which allows applying the next layer of paint product in an hour.

Sphere of application

It is intended for undercoating the surfaces of steel, zinked metal, iron and other metals (clean surfaces and the surface affected with corrosion, when the thickness of corrosion is less than 100 microns) before the application of solvent-based and water-based paint products. Application on wooden surfaces is also allowed. it can be applied indoors and outdoors.

It can be applied on undecorated metal constructions, farming machinery, railway transport, industrial equipment, machines, fences, elements of decorative finishing and others.


Modified alkyd resin, anti-corrosion pigments and extenders, a thinner, additives.

Technical data

Consumption standard of 1 layer 60-120 g/m2, depending on the way of application and type of surface.
Thinner Universal thinner TM Maxima,maximum 10% of the total mass of the primer.
ATTENTION! Do not use white spirite, solvent and other alike thinners.
Application Apply with a brush, a roller or a spraying gun.
Drying period (23 °С, 50% RH) 30 minutes.
Drying period increases if the temperature is getting down and relative air humidity is getting higher.
Solids content
(DSTU ISO 3251)
66 ± 2 %
Non-volatile matter by volume
(DSTU ISO 3233)
47 ± 2 %
Density (DSTU ISO 2811-1) ≈ 1,38 g/cm3
Hardness (DSTU ISO 1522) ≈ 50 sec., Konig pendulum.
Gloss (DSTU ISO 2813) *
VOC content (ISO 11890) 460 ± 10 g/l
Warranty period 24 months from the date of manufacturing.
Packaging 0,9 kg, 2,8 kg, 25 kg, 50 kg




red brown

Application instruction


1. Surface preparation

The surface shall be dry, thoroughly cleaned from dust, dirt, oil and other contaminations, loose paint coatings and corrosion.

Clean metal surfaces shall be treated with sandpaper for better adhesion. Remove dust after polishing and degrease with a thinner.

Previously coated metal surfaces shall be cleaned from loose paint coatings and corrosion till the hard base surface in a mechanical way (a scraper, a wire brush), thermal way (hot air fan, infrared radiation) or chemical way (solutions for paint removing). Degrease with a thinner.


2. Applying

Stir the primer thoroughly before application. The primer is ready to use. Dilute it with a thinner if necessary. For maximal protective effect, the surface shall be undercoated in 2 coats. Each subsequent coat shall be applied not before 1 hour. Application work shall be performed at the temperature of air and the surface from +10 ºС till +35 ºС and relative air humidity of 80%. Do not apply the primer under direct sunlight, strong wind and precipitations.


3. Tool cleaning

Clean tools with a solvent and then with warm water with detergents if necessary.


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Primer for metal Maxima
Primer for metal



Flow calculator

Consumption standard of 1 layer

When calculating the area to be painted, you need to subtract the area that will not be painted. (windows, doors, etc.)

Paint consumption may vary depending on dilution and uniformity of application of the paint.