Deep penetrating water dispersion acrylic primer «Super Base» Farbex

Deep penetrating water dispersion acrylic primer «Super Base» Farbex


Deep penetrating water dispersion acrylic primer «Super Base»



  • it penetrates deeply into the base surface
  • it improves adhesion of building products to the surfaces
  • it decreases the consumption of paints and extends the life period of a paint product

Sphere of application

It is intended for hardening of the surfaces, improving adhesion to different surfaces (bricks, concrete, slag blocks, concrete stuccos, chipwood boards, MDF, gypsum boards and other porous surfaces) before different finishing works with a plaster or a putty, coating with waterborne paints, gluing of wallpapers, application of tile, setting of parquet and other floorings. It is applied for interior and exterior works.


Acrylic dispersion, water, additives.

Technical data

Consumption standard of 1 layer 80-125 ml/m2, it depends on the type of the surface and way of application.
Thinner Water
Application It is applied with a roller, a brush or a spraying gun.
Drying period (23 °С, 50% RH) < 2 hours. Drying period increases if the temperature is getting down and relative air humidity is increasing.
Solids content (DSTU ISO 3251) 5±1 %
Density (DSTU ISO 2811-1) ≈ 1 g/сm3
VOC content (ISO 11890) < 10 g/l
Warranty period 18 months from the date of manufacturing
(at the temperature from +5 °С till +35 °С)
Packaging 2 L, 5 L, 10 L



Application instruction


1. Surface preparation

The base surface shall be dry, durable, without significant damages and free of chalk and lime whitewash, oil, bitumen and other dirt. Existing efflorescence, fragile and dirty areas shall be cleaned with a metal brush (spatula) or by machine method. Abrasive dust shall be removed.

Correct non-significant defects of a mineral surface with Finishing Putty TM Farbex. Sandpaper surface after it.

It is recommended to treat the surface with Antiseptic product TM Farbex for protection against mould and fungi.

Previously coated surfaces need no undercoating.

2. Applying

The primer shall be applied evenly with a brush, a roller or a spraying gun on the surface.

The temperature of the air and the surface under application shall be from +5 °С to +35 °С and relative air humidity no more than 80%.

The most absorbent surfaces shall be coated in 2 layers with a drying period 1 hour.

Do not undercoat under direct sunlight, strong wind, frost and precipitation. After the coating is applied it shall not be affected with precipitation and sub-zero temperatures till finishing coating is applied.

Subsequent works shall be done in 4 hours after the application of the last primer layer.


3. Tool cleaning

Clean tools with water after application. Do not let them dry.


Deep penetrating water dispersion acrylic primer «Super Base» - Kamyanske Secondary School POLYSAN
Kamyanske Secondary School

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Primers for mineral surfaces Farbex
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Flow calculator

Consumption standard of 1 layer

When calculating the area to be painted, you need to subtract the area that will not be painted. (windows, doors, etc.)

Paint consumption may vary depending on dilution and uniformity of application of the paint.