The RustStop Graphite Enamel 3in1 TM Maxima, which functionally unites adhesion primer, anticorrosion protection and finishing enamel in it. It doesn't require prior usage of special products for removing pf corrosion and undercoating. It creates an anti-corrosion coating and resists water and weather effects, UV-rays, industrial oils, and detergents. It also creates a decorative structural coat with a "metallic" effect that masks small defects of the surface and corrects uneven areas on the surface (joints, locally repaired areas, scale, etc.). It dries quickly and several layers of the enamel can be applied during a day.
It is intended for protection against corrosion and decorative coating of metal surfaces (clean, coated, or covered with corrosion) of steel, iron, stainless steel, colored metals (fences, gates, building constructions, farming machinery, metal boxes, lathes, metal window frames and doors, elements of decoration, etc.), and also for wooden surfaces indoors and outdoors.
Consumption standard of 1 layer | 100-150 g/m2, depending on the way of application and type of surface. |
Thinner | Universal thinner TM Maxima, 30% maximum of the total enamel weight. WARNING! Do not use white spirit, solvent and others similar products. |
Application | Apply with a short haired roller, a brush or a spraying gun. |
Drying period (23 °С, 50% RH) | 1 hour. Drying period increases if the temperature is getting down and relative air humidity is getting higher. |
Solids content (DSTU ISO 3251) |
57-60 % |
Density (DSTU ISO 2811-1) | ab. 1,15 g/cm3 |
Particle size | max. 150 micron |
Non-volatile matter by volume (DSTU ISO 3233) |
- |
VOC content (ISO 11890) | - |
Warranty period | 24 months from the date of manufacturing. |
Packaging | 0,75 kg, 2,3 kg |
Metal surfaces:
new surfaces shall be clean of dust, dirt and degreased.
previously coated and old surfaces shall be cleaned from loose and peeled coats of paint products till hard base surface in a mechanical (a scraper, a wire brush), thermal (a hot air dryer, infrared radiation) or chemical (paint removing products) ways. Clean thoroughly of corrosion with a wire brush or sandpaper. Treat the surface previously coated with oily or alkyd-based paints for better adhesion.
Wooden surfaces:
new surfaces shall be clean of dust, dirt.
previously coated and old surfaces shall be cleaned from loose and peeled coats of paint products till hard base surface in a mechanical (a scraper, a wire brush), thermal (a hot air dryer, infrared radiation) or chemical (paint removing products) ways. Avoid methods of cleaning, which can damage timber (e.g. sandblast apparatus). Hollows, cracks and uneven areas shall be corrected with Putty for wood and mineral surfaces TM Farbex. Sandpaper the surface till smooth condition. Remove abrasive dust after that.
Metal surfaces need not advanced undercoating.
Undercoat wooden surfaces with Wood-protective product "Base" TM Maxima. Make sure that the wooden surface is clean and completely dry before applying the primer.
Stir the enamel thoroughly till homogeneous condition. Dilute the enamel with a thinner till working viscosity if necessary.
Apply the enamel in 1-2 coats (if apply with a spraying gun keep the distance from the area 15-20 cm and pressure of 5 atm.). Apply 2 coats of the product to achieve the best possible properties of the coating. Apply each subsequent coat in 1 hour.
Highly decorative coatings can be achieved if applied with a spraying gun!
Perform application at the temperature of air and the surface from +10 ºС till +25 ºС and relative air humidity less than 80%. Do not apply the product under direct sunlight, strong wind and precipitations. The coating shall not be affected by precipitations for 24 hours after application.
Complete hardening of the surface and achieving of its properties is in 14 days.
Clean tools with a thinner and then with warm water with detergents if necessary.
The appearance of the entering metal doors plays an important role when you have the first impression of the house. However, as time passes, the metal door can lose its initial gloss because of the influence of outer factors, wear, …
Перед фарбуванням металу, його необхідно підготувати. Одним із етапів підготовки металу є видалення старого покриття. Видалити старий шар фарби з металу можна декількома способами: Механічним. Термічним. Хімічним. Після ознайомлення з цією статей, ви будете точно знати, який із методів вам …
When calculating the area to be painted, you need to subtract the area that will not be painted. (windows, doors, etc.)
Paint consumption may vary depending on dilution and uniformity of application of the paint.