Matte interior latex paint
Latex paint with silky effect. It has perfect adhesion and easily spreads on the surface, providing little consumption with high application rate. It creates hard coat resistant to intensive repeated washing (1 class acc. to DSTU EN 13300). It is vapor permeable. It hides effectively micro-cracks of the surface under application. It is easy to apply, makes no runs and doesn't splash during application.
It is intended for interior coating of all mineral (mortar and lime-mortar plaster, finishing plaster, brick, concrete), gypsum and wooden surfaces, wallpaper and fiberglass. It is recommended for coating of walls and ceilings in dry and wet spaces with high exploitation load: living, administrative spaces, medical, infant and educational establishments, spaces of catering and industrial enterprises.
It is not intended for coating of floors, doors and furniture.
It can be tinted manually with Pigment Concentrate Farbex Color, other waterborne coloring pastes or with a coloring machine acc. to NCS color range and others.
Consumption standard of 1 layer | 110-150 g/m2. Depending on the way of application and type of the surface. |
Thinner | Water. Maximal dilution of 10 % of the total weight is allowed. |
Application | Apply with a roller, a brush or a spraying gun. |
Drying period (23 °С, 50% RH) | 1 hour. Drying period increases when the temperature is getting lower and relative air humidity is getting higher. |
Color base | А, B, TR. It is shaded according to NCS color range. |
Solids content (DSTU ISO 3251) |
58±2% (base А), 56±2% (base B, TR), |
Density (DSTU ISO 2811-1) | ≈ 1,45 g/cm3 (base А), ≈ 1,37 g/cm3 (base B), ≈ 1,33 g/cm3 (base TR). |
Gloss (DSTU ISO 2813) | max. 10 GU at 85°, (matt, DSTU EN 13300) |
The degree of milling (SSU ISO 1524) | max. 25 microns , (fine-grained, DSTU EN 13300) |
Contrast ratio of dry film (ISO 6504-3) | min. 99 % , 2 class of hiding power (acc. to DSTU EN 13300) |
Wet-scrub resistance, microns (DSTU ISO 11998) | max. 5 (after 200 cycles) |
Wet-scrub resistance class (DSTU EN 13300) | 1 |
VOC content (ISO 11890) | < 26 g/l |
Warranty period | 36 months , (at the temperature from +5 °С till +35 °С) |
Packaging | Base А - 1,2 kg, 3,5 kg, 6 kg, 12 kg Base B, TR - 1 kg, 3 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg |
Uncoated surface: Clean the surface from loose coatings, dust, oil, grease and other dirt.
Previously coated surfaces: Clean thoroughly the surface from old loose coatings (loose paint and varnish) in mechanical (a scraper, a wire brush), thermal (hot air fan, infrared radiation) or chemical way (paint removal solutions). Chalk and lime-chalk coatings shall be removed mechanically till hard surface. Clean the surface also from other dirt. Surfaces, previously coated with alkyd and oil enamel, shall be sandpapered. Then treat it as non-coated surface.
Small defects of mineral surface shall be corrected with finishing putty TM Farbex and sandpaper after that.
For protection against mould and fungi it is recommended to treat the surface with antiseptic TM Farbex.
Previously treated surfaces do not need any undercoating.
Previously untreated absorbing mineral surfaces shall be undercoated with acrylic deep-penetrating primer concentrate Super Base 1:4 TM Farbex.
Previously untreated wooden surfaces shall be undercoated with acrylic wood primer ТМ Maxima.
Stir the paint thoroughly before application. If it is required dilute it with water. Over-dilution makes the quality of the surface worse! Application is performed at the temperature from + 5 °С till + 35 °С and relative air humidity no more than 80%. Apply the paint in 1-2 coats with a brush, a roller, or a spraying gun.
The coating takes finally its properties in 3-4 weeks.
Clean tools with water after application. Do not let them dry. Dry product shall be removed from the tools in mechanical way.
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Дуже часто на ремонт та оновлення квартири/будинку витрачаються чималі кошти. Саме тому, під час планування ми намагаємося розрахувати все максимально точно, щоб уникнути повторних витрат, і щоб не знадобилось знову їхати чи йти до магазину. Фарба не є виключенням. Дуже …
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Для ремонту в домівці часто використовують фарбу. І це не дивно, адже фарба найдоступніший та найлегший спосіб оновити інтер’єр. Зараз серед споживачів користується попитом латексна фарба. Як і кожен матеріал, латексна фарба має свої переваги та недоліки. У цій статті …
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When calculating the area to be painted, you need to subtract the area that will not be painted. (windows, doors, etc.)
Paint consumption may vary depending on dilution and uniformity of application of the paint.